

Q: Who’s the responsible one?

Obviously Kuroo. Kenma is prone to staying up late playing video games. Kuroo tries to guilt him out of it by staying up with Kenma, trying to make him feel bad for keeping Kuroo up,  but then they both get caught up with the games, and end up sleeping on the train on their way to school.

Q: Who is the one who never forgets a mishap?

Both of them, but since Kuroo is always up to shenanigans with other people, he’s more prone to accidentally making a fool out of himself. Kenma usually isn’t the type to use it against him, but he has no qualms of doing so if Kuroo is pissing him off.

Q: Who has a playlist with both classical and death metal?

Kenma. They’re mostly soundtracks from games he likes. It nearly gave Kuroo a heart attack the one time he was messing with Kenma’s phone and accidently played one of the death metal ones.

Q: Who picks the music during road trips?

Both of them. Though, Kenma is usually ok with whatever Kuroo chooses and only strives to change and choose something he likes when Kuroo starts playing country songs.

Q: Who is the one who is more likely to get into trouble with a teacher?

Surprisingly, Kenma. It’s not entirely his fault, as his teacher is a ball of energy that rivals Hinata Shouyou. He wants Kenma to participate, but Kenma will have none of that, so Energy-sensei ends up giving Kenma a zero in participation. This pisses Kenma off quite a bit, but Kuroo goes to speak with Energy-sensei about Kenma’s ‘poor tragic backstory’, and snags enough points for Kenma to pass the class.


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